Here are 10 common lies we tell ourselves which hold us back from success.

1. “This has been a really hard day. Why am I even doing this?”

Successful people always remember to look at the bigger picture. Knowing you are working towards something great gives you emotional strength, and will also encourage you to work harder. Instead of worrying about how hard your day has been, write down one thing you have done recently that has moved you a step closer to your dreams. The road to achieving your goals is filled with highs and lows, and if your goals require hard work, it probably means you will feel even better when you have achieved them.

2. “I’ve done everything I can.”

If you believe there is the possibility you could have done a little more work for amazing results, then push yourself to do that work. You may have done the task, but make your work memorable by making it excellent. Go back to the work and consider what tweaks you could make so that your work is phenomenal. It’s better to work harder for a while than to regret that you haven’t given it everything you have in the first place.

3. “This situation makes me feel miserable, but I don’t have a say in the matter.”

Whether the situation is a relationship or a job, there is a reason it is making you feel miserable. While it can be difficult to push forward and move on, remember that you won’t get different results and achieve success without making a change. Find out if there is something you can do to improve your situation but also realize that sometimes it’s time to make a change. So instead of clinging to what makes you miserable, keep your eyes open for a change that will actually bring you the success you hoped for.

4. “I don’t know how to start.”

If someone extremely successful didn’t know how to start, they would attempt to teach themselves. Try not to let a lack of self-confidence stop you from achieving your goals. Instead of declaring that you don’t know, think of ways you could find out. It is likely you could ask someone, or use the internet to find out. Take a deep breath and try your best.

5. “I don’t have any money.”

If you have money in your bank account, you do have money – you just may not be investing it wisely. Your money is only your responsibility, so before you buy something, try asking yourself this; “Will I regret spending this money in this way in a year?” Always make sure that you use your resources to push yourself forward and not to drag you back.

6. “I’ve been offered a great opportunity, but I would have to put in too much effort.”

If you wish to achieve success in both your personal and professional life, never choose short-term comfort over a long-term reward. If you wish to be successful, it is important to be willing to work hard, so you can reap the rewards. Seize any great opportunities that pass you by, and put in the work. Push yourself forward by knowing that once the hard work is over, you will feel extremely accomplished.

7. “I’m too tired right now.”

Try not to give yourself excuses when it comes to anything important. If you are physically too tired to do a task, you can do it when you wake up. There isn’t anything wrong with putting in a few extra hours of work – in the long run, it will probably benefit you more than your boss. If you are regularly too tired, adjust your sleeping pattern, so you can get the maximum amount of productivity out of your day.

8. “I seriously doubt I can do this on my own.”

For most great achievements, someone had to do it by themselves first. Give yourself the chance to fail – or be extremely successful. Try not to worry and throw yourself into the task; you could impress yourself. After all, you are the only person you can really count on. Don’t let yourself down!

9. “Trying to make sure everyone is happy with me is very important.”

Many people naturally try to please everyone, but it can be time-consuming and stressful. To achieve success it is important to work hard, but don’t let yourself be taken advantage of. Instead live your life trying to please the right people, rather than all of the people.

10. “I’m good, but there are others who are better.”

Thinking this is self-sabotage, and it will hold you back from success. This thought shows a lack of confidence and doesn’t focus on what matters; it isn’t about being as good as others, it is about achieving your personal best. Instead of idolizing others, work on making yourself amazing instead. Do you know any other thoughts that could hold you back from success? Comment below and let us know! Featured photo credit: Lonely man in a forest via