If you want to feel invigorated and ready to tackle the day ahead, try these simple tips for 30 days and you’ll never go back to hitting the snooze button again!

1. Get up 20 minutes earlier

This might be a struggle, especially if, like me, you find it hard to tear yourself away from your duvet when the alarm clock rings. I used to be a ‘bed hugger’ until I started working for myself. Then I realized that I worked better in the mornings than in the afternoons or evenings. Because of that I now get up at least an hour earlier than I used to and have become a lot more productive as a result. So how about trying it? Make that extra time in the mornings count, so you aren’t as stressed trying to fit everything in first thing. This will also help with the other tips I’ve got lined up for you!

2. Meditate and set intentions for the day

Before I do anything in the morning, I go to my quiet place and I meditate. This sets the mood for the day and is a great way of setting your intentions for how you want the day to go. It also gets you into a place of feeling calm and relaxed. If you have to drive or battle with train commuters on your way to work, you’ll deal with things in a less reactionary way after meditating. So begin your day just like other healthy people by visualizing your day ahead and making sure it’s a good one!

3. Drink hot water with lemon

If you want something to set you up for your day in a healthy way, then drinking a hydrating and nourishing hot water and lemon drink is a great choice. It’s known for activating digestion and is another positive step toward better health, so why not?

4. Sit and watch nature

This is a great way to really get yourself in touch with your natural surroundings and appreciating all that you have at that very moment. How often do you just sit, listen and watch the birds and the environment they inhabit? We spend so much of our lives rushing from one thing to the next that we forget how lucky we are to be alive. If you can take five minutes out of your usual morning routine and observe, you’ll be amazed at what’s just outside your back door.

5. Do a bit of exercise

I’m not talking about a full on hour at the gym or a sweaty 30 minute run. It’s more like a gentle walk in nature to get you outside, relaxed and fully alert. Healthy people find this not only energizing, but know that the benefits of stimulating the brain will start the day off with a clear and clutter-free mind. Taking some exercise—even if it’s just ten minutes—is better than none. You’ll feel great and look great, so where’s the harm in that?

6. Always eat breakfast

I know that if I’ve not eaten anything for breakfast, I’m like a bear with a sore head, so I make sure I eat something every morning. Not only do I eat breakfast, I make sure it’s healthy and always includes some kind of fruit. Healthy people like to eat breakfast because it’s brain food; it’s a sure fire way to be more effective at work and it’ll make you a lot more fun to be around. If you can, try to make your breakfast something really tasty—so tasty in fact that you’ll hate to miss out on it!

7. Make your lunch

Making your lunch before you go to work is a great way of ensuring that you make time to take that well-earned lunch break. Think about it: how many times do you work straight through your lunch, or take what seems like an age to think about what to have so that you’ve already wasted half your lunch break trying to decide. Do yourself a favor: pack all your healthy favorites beforehand so you’ve got the whole of your lunch break to enjoy them!

8. Make time to schedule your to do list

We’ve all got a mountain of stuff to do each week, let alone each day, so why not take the stress out of your day by organizing things you are definitely going to accomplish that same day. If you do this, it will take all the anxiety and stress out of making important decisions. It will ensure that you know what tasks you have to complete and it’ll remind you to do them. After all, the only person who will be letting you down is YOU! However, it’s important to be flexible as other things can crop up at the last minute, which can mean you’ve got less time than you thought. Remember to always stay calm, don’t panic, and reschedule for the next day if you have to. As long as you do that, there really is no harm.

9. Listen to uplifting and inspiring music

Forget the TV or the radio for once—the early morning news can bring you down. Instead, opt to listen to your favorite track, and get your mood lifted each morning. Music is a great way of bringing you back to the present moment, which can help you focus on the good stuff and stop any anxiety or worries about future commitments.

10. Be grateful for all that you have each day

Take time to reflect on your life and what you already have. If you can take time to make a list of all the things you are grateful for each morning and reevaluate your life as it currently stands, it will make you appreciate all the goodness you have around you. Doing this one thing each day will make you feel fantastic and inspired. After all, being grateful is the key to happiness and abundance. So which of these 10 tips are you going to try for the next 30 days?