1. Squeeze lemon juice onto sweat stains before laundering to remove the stain completely

This one seems legit. I wasn’t planning on washing my clothes while on vacation, but I really wanted to give this a try. Sweat stains are a problem because they can destroy your favorite shirt — along with the majority of your clothes. I took a white shirt with a stain and squeezed lemon juice onto it. Immediately, I put the shirt in the washing machine. When the shirt dried, the stain was really gone. This time, science prevailed – lemon acidity removed the whole stain.

2. If you apply dry shampoo to your roots at night, it will absorb oil and sweat by morning

We have an air-conditioner in our room, but we made a sacrifice to test this out. My friend with oily hair applied the dry shampoo to the roots of her hair before she went to sleep. The next day, my friend’s hair was neither oily nor sweaty, so this one was also a success. If you suffer from oily hair, I recommend that you try this tip out during the warm summer nights. You’ll find you won’t need to wash your hair every morning before you go out anymore.

3. Apply coconut oil to your skin after shaving

I have a really sensitive skin, and I tend to use a lot of homemade creams for sensitive skin. Girls with the same problem know how much trouble it can be to live with skin that gets easily irritated and red. After shaving, I applied coconut oil, and it really made my dry and sensitive skin smoother. It calmed my skin and subdued any redness. Also, after drying in the sun, there was no oily residue left behind.

4. Put nail polish in the fridge to avoid bubbles when painting your nails

Nail polish ingredients react with the heat, which makes your nail polish thick and bubbly. By putting the nail polish into the fridge for an hour, it’s said that you can avoid this consistency. When I tried this tip and applied the nail polish, it didn’t have bubbles, which didn’t really surprise me all that much. However, I was surprised by how quickly it dried. This is very useful during the summer days, as you don’t need to wait so long for it to dry.

5. Coconut oil will make your hair softer and healthier

This is advice that I stand by. I have curly and dyed hair, and on top of that it is dry. Before I went to sleep, I applied coconut oil to my hair, and in the morning it was softer. However, it didn’t have quite the same effect as the homemade masks, which are made of olive oil, honey, and some other ingredients. Although, the effect seemed to amplify by doing this for a few consecutive nights.

6. Baking soda will whiten your teeth

This is one that you have probably heard before. As a smoker, something I’m not proud of, I have been using this method for a couple of months to deal with stains from smoking. Baking soda both cleans and whitens your teeth, but be sure to use it just once a month, as it can be quite abrasive. Mix baking soda with water until it reaches a paste consistency, and brush your teeth as you brush them with regular toothpaste. Give it a try and after some time you’ll see the results, but don’t expect to see them after one day.

7. Use baby powder remove the sand after a day at the beach

We all hate it when we go from the beach to the café and the sand on our feet comes along with us. So, I was really happy to try this tip. When I applied baby powder to my legs, I was able to easily wipe off the sand. At first, it seemed that I would make a mess, but the powder actually absorbed the sweat and saltwater quite well. It made walking after a day spent on a sandy beach a lot easier. When doing this, know that people will look at you strangely, but also know that the comfort you’ll gain from being sand-free will be worth it.

8. Treat sunburns with aloe vera gel ice cubes

I have very sensitive skin, so I am very careful when it comes to getting sunburned. The day before, I put aloe gel in ice cube trays, as it is said that aloe vera works better when it is cold. After, I went on a hunt to find someone with a sunburn. Luckily, a girl on the beach agreed to give it a try. She used the aloe vera ice cubes to treat her shoulders. The next day, she reported that it helped her get rid of the pain and calmed the redness. Another success.

9. Put your razor in olive oil to keep it from rusting

It is easy to spend a fortune on a good razor for summer vacation. Luckily, it’s said that keeping your razors in olive oil will keep them in good condition. I’ve been trying it for a few days, and it seems to be working so far. In addition, you can make a shaving cream with the olive oil. I find this very useful, as many infections can occur due to rust, and this also protects your skin from getting nicked.

10. Use hairspray to avoid melting your eyebrows

Using a pencil to draw in your eyebrows can be disastrous in the summer heat. Melting in the sun can leave you looking like you just came out of a horror movie. One night, when we were going out, my friends and I decided to risk our appearance by trying this tip out. We shaped our eyebrows with a pencil and used hairspray to keep them from melting. At the end of the night, we still had our eyebrows in exactly the right place.