1. You are more interested in experiences than in items

Travelers and explorers are not concerned about the items or things that they have to buy over the experience they gain from traveling and seeing the world. If you love and cherish experience over items then you have the attitude of an explorer.

2. You get absorbed in new cultures

It could be a new meal you are invited to eat at your neighbor’s place or listening to others speak a different language, you are interested in other cultures besides your own.

3. You are not stuck to a singular way of living

It could be the changes you make to your room every month or trying something different every now and then, you love to be free with your thoughts and trying something new. You know what it means to be free and getting stuck to a particular way of doing things doesn’t belong to your identity.

4. You like to take risks

Somehow trying a new venture or pushing yourself beyond borders pumps you. You are not averse to taking risks and getting out of your comfort zone to doing something new.

5. You are cool with strangers

You do not detest strangers. You can deal with meeting someone new and connecting with the person instantly. To you strangers are friends in the making and you are great at chatting someone up and learning from them.

6. You love geography

You like maps and anything related to geography. You are always excited by seeing landscapes, eccentric pictures and panoramic sights. It goes beyond studying geography, you simply like new locations.

7. You are a curious person

You like to learn something new, whether through books, documentaries or educational movies. You treat these pictures or words with a detailed perspective as you are interested in the names, places and meals you find in these media.

8. You are good at managing your budget

You can handle money well and it is not about spending it on luxurious items or on things you don’t really need. You know how to regulate your income and do not see money as a setback in being happy and having the things that satisfy you.

9. You are driven by purpose and passion

You are excited by discovering yourself and directing your life on a channel that pleases your inner self. You are not concerned about defying the conventional to pursue your passion and what makes you happy.

10. You are a student of life

You are willing to embrace lessons that life teaches you. It goes beyond having a degree from any university. You understand that real education and knowledge goes beyond pursuing the formal, but in studying new territories and not limiting yourself to any ‘walled’ environment.

11. You are not so hard on yourself

Explorers know that in the journey or in their travel mistakes will be made and even they will be students of things that are seemingly unfamiliar. Travellers do not take themselves too seriously. They can open their hearts to embracing something new. You do not live on regrets and mistakes that you take yourself too seriously rather you can let go and treat yourself to exciting new moments.

12. You love challenges

Challenges tickle. You want to be put to the test so that you can become better and improve yourself. Explorer’s love a challenge as they know it’s about the knowledge they get from the hunt rather than sitting to wait for others to define their circumstances.

13. You love adventure

You read history books and find something fascinating in them. You like taking trips to the museum nearby and excite your restless mind. You will always love to get out rather than stay in. Featured photo credit: htttp://www.stokpic.com via stokpic.com