Besides the fact they are rich in protein, protein shakes are rich in amino acids that are essential for the proper function of our body. Proteins are highly important for the production of muscles and they also improve our immune system as well. Without proteins, our body can’t connect together all structures that make up our cells, tissues, and organs. When we finish with our workouts, protein shakes are ideal for healing micro tears that are caused by intense contraction during exercises. Why shakes, why not protein-rich food? Because solid food takes more time to digest. On the other hand, shakes need only 30 minutes to reach our muscles after ingestion. A recent study at a Finnish University showed that supplementation of whey protein consumed after and possibly before the workout session enhances muscle hypertrophy response to resistance training in healthy adults. Some studies have even shown that protein powder enhances recovery after workouts and decreases muscle damage and soreness. Protein shakes are also beneficial for your overall health, and can protect you from numerous diseases. Great benefit of these shakes is their versatility, you can incorporate a wide range of ingredients and make different shake every day. Since there is no such thing as too many protein shakes recipes we, also, recommend delicious recipes below.

1. Oatmeal protein shake

Who doesn’t like a nice bowl of oatmeal in the morning? It is rich in fiber, improves digestion, and aids in weight loss. The problem is, you don’t always have enough time to stick around and eat that bowl of oatmeal. An ideal solution for this problem is the oatmeal protein shake.

2. Melon, cucumber, and mint protein shake

This lovely protein shake will provide energy to go through your workout and it also heals muscles after workout. It goes without saying that this protein shake is delicious as well.

3. Mocha protein shake

We all need coffee when we wake up in the morning, but when a busy day’s ahead of you, there is no time to make it or to go to a cafe. A mocha protein shake is a great way to have your coffee and breakfast at the same time. This protein shake will boost your energy level immediately.

4. Banana and peanut butter protein shake

You might like a peanut butter and banana sandwich in the morning. Well, you can also transform it into a protein shake that will enrich your body with protein, potassium and sugars that are easily absorbed and not turned into fat! It’s every person’s dream.

5. Blueberry protein shake

Blueberries belong to a group of super-foods. They are rich in antioxidants that fight free radicals and protect your body from various diseases. This blueberry protein shake will deliver antioxidants, vitamins and other nutrients to your body, provide energy, and also slow down premature aging and memory loss. Plus, this highly nutritious protein shake is ready in less than 2 minutes.

6. Strawberry protein shake

Strawberries are rich in Vitamin C, antioxidants, fiber and are heart-healthy. This smoothie decreases your LDL cholesterol and increases levels of HDL, or good cholesterol, which protects your body from heart diseases and even stroke.

7. Spinach protein shake

Most people don’t like spinach in shakes, but you will definitely like this one. Thanks to mango, banana, and pineapple you won’t even taste spinach, but you will get all its health benefits. This spinach protein shake is an excellent source of vitamins K and A, manganese, folate, copper, Vitamin B2, potassium, calcium, and other valuable nutrients that protect your health.

8. Key lime pie protein shake

This key lime protein shake is low in sugar and contains 42 grams of muscle-building protein, which makes it ideal for people who are constantly in the gym to work on their muscles. This protein shake proves that delicious doesn’t always means unhealthy; this is a health and power bomb that you need for daily workouts.

9. Tropical protein shake

This tropical protein shake contains berries, oranges, and banana, which are all rich in vitamins, antioxidants, potassium and other nutrients that are beneficial for your health. For example, oranges are rich in Vitamin C and they can even restore the healthy glow of your skin. Bananas are excellent for people with high blood pressure, while greek yogurt improves your digestion, and aids in weight loss.

10. Almond butter protein shake

The almond milk in this protein shake will provide the protein your body needs while chia seeds enrich your body with antioxidants that protect you from various diseases and infections. Moreover, chia seeds are rich in Omega 3 fatty acids that are essential for the proper function of your body.

11. Coffee banana protein shake

This mixture of coffee, natural sugar and protein is ideal for your morning workouts. They boost energy levels and you will get more done in your workout session than usual. This coffee banana protein shake is also rich in fiber and potassium.

12. Grape and blueberry protein shake

This protein shake is ideal for all people who can’t imagine starting their day without eggs. Eggs are a great source of protein and this scrambled egg smoothie with grape and blueberry is ready in less than 5 minutes. Plus, grapes are excellent for cancer prevention and they protect your body from heart disease and high blood pressure. Moreover, this shake is great for digestion, which is essential part of weight loss regime and healthy lifestyle.

13. Banana split protein shake

We all love banana splits, but it’s not the healthiest food you can eat. Luckily, this banana split protein shake is a high-protein, healthy and delicious alternative to a “regular” banana split. You can also make this recipe with almond milk, banana (of course), peanut butter and protein powder and voila, the shake is ready.

14. Raspberry protein shake

Raspberries are rich in antioxidants, Vitamin C, quercetin and Gallic acid that are effective in cancer and heart disease prevention. Moreover, raspberries improve blood circulation and deliver numerous nutrients to your body. This raspberry protein shake is easy to make and requires only 5 ingredients you already have in your kitchen.

15. Cinnamon roll shake

This cinnamon roll protein shake is ideal for people who spend a lot of time in the gym. Cinnamon is used for treating muscle spasms, infections, and even erectile dysfunction. This protein shake is easy to make and delivers various nutrients, coupled with an energy boost that will follow you throughout the day.

Protein shake recipes from this article are both delicious and healthy. They enrich your body with valuable nutrients that prevent various diseases and boost your energy levels that will help you in your workouts. Just add ingredients to the blender, blend until you get a smooth consistency, and that’s it. You can get bunch of different recipes from Health Digest to make, and spice things up instead of relying on the same recipe all the time. Here are more resources about protein shakes: Featured photo credit: Shutterstock via

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