There are ways to manage period pain

Cramps come in various forms. There are bearable pains, mildly bearable pains, and unbearable pains. During unbearable cramps, most seek the aid of medicines. Medicines are temporary solutions. There are ways you can limit period pain and get back to your regular routine, period or not.

1. Do regular exercises…

Proper exercise is crucial for everyone. When you are exercising, and especially during your period, always keep in mind that you have to be comfortable in what you are doing. Walking is one of the best exercises you can do. Walk for 20 minutes. Make sure you are sweating properly. When you are active, you body releases dopamine, also known as the happy hormone. Dopamine increases the level of another hormone known as seratonin, which helps in to fight against stress and depression. Exercises help to maintain a healthy metabolism that can help to reduce or cease period pains. Another favorite exercise, besides walking, is swimming.

2. …But avoid extreme exercise routines.

Simple exercises are beneficiary towards a healthy period. But rigorous exercises might bring opposite result. When you are running, or into extreme forms of activities, your body stops producing reproductive hormones. This combines with the fact that your body, during those times, undergo stress and potentially an improper diet. With extreme exercise, you are increasing the chance that you may experience delayed period with possibilities of cramps. It is always better to consult your doctor before heading towards some serious exercise routines.

3. Do not stress.

Too much stress puts a lot of unnecessary pressure on your mind and body. Anxiety and depression combine can be harmful when you are trying to conceive. Stress is directly related to infertility. The hormone that deals with fertility and period is the same. So, if one is affected due to stress, the other will automatically get influenced. It may lead to cramps, too. Next time you are suffering from anxiety, meditate, or listen to some music that will calm you. Or do something that you find relaxing.

4. Birth control pills can affect your period, too.

Sometimes, birth control pills can take opposite toll on your regularity. One of the reasons why pills are taken is to make the periods regular. But pills, at times, can take few months to adjust to the body. This can lead to irregular spotting, and cramps. If you want your body to adjust to the pills fast enough, take them regularly, and at the same time.

5. Take in calcium.

Girls and especially women need calcium because as they age, they have higher chances of suffering from osteoporosis. Soon-to-be-mothers, and breastfeeding mothers require more calcium to prevent weak bones and tooth decay. It is recommended to take 1200mg of calcium per day.

6. You also need Omega-3.

Besides calcium, if your body gets sufficient amount of omega-3, then it will help to ease your period pain. Why? It is because fatty acids are important to help prevent the frequency of your period symptoms. This means, regular intake of omega-3 can actually help you to overcome cramps. You can take omega-3 pills, or opt for more natural ones found in nuts, fish, and avocado.

7. Drink plenty of water.

H2O is crucial for our metabolism. It is also crucial in cutting down on your excess food intake. Drinking water helps in keeping your body clean. Staying hydrated is a key point in easing down your pain. It keeps you away from those bloating feelings, as well as fatigue.

8. Keep your weight in check.

Weight is another key hack in keeping your pain at bay. Ask your doctor what your correct weight is according to your height. If you are overweight, there is a risk of irregular period, heavy flow, pains, and long-lasting ones. Excess body fats raise the estrogen level which can affect ovaries from releasing eggs. On the other hand, being underweight will stop producing estrogen at all. Correct level of estrogen constructs the uterine linings, that helps in your period.

9. Healthy diet is essential.

Keeping up your healthy diet can be a challenge for you during your period. With the hormones going haywire, and affecting your mood, and mind, you would want to eat anything but healthy. It may sound challenging, but if you keep your balance diet intact, you may have an easy period.

10. Say no to waxing.

Funny enough, there is no scientific explanation as to how waxing is related to period pain. Just because you are likely experiencing pain on your bikini line, you will find yourself experiencing double pain with waxing and your period happening all at once. Just put it off until another time…

11. Go for hot water therapy.

If you have cramps that you think will increase over time, do not wait till escalates. Go for hot water therapy. Pour bearable hot water in your hot water bottle, and apply on your lower abdomen. The water will help the blood to run clot free, as well as cramp free. In fact, according to many doctors, hot water therapy works equivalent to pain killers.

12. Eat dark chocolate.

Another period hack is eating dark chocolate. Dark chocolate are always better than milk or white chocolate. The sugar is low, and one bar of dark choc is stacked with nutrients. Losing blood during menstruation decreases magnesium in the body. Dark chocolate rise the magnesium level. Also, it is a mood lifter. So, if you are suffering from mood swing, indulge in some dark chocs and see the difference by yourself!

13. Avoid poor sleep.

You are a busy person, working around the clock. No matter how engaged you are in your daily activities, you require sufficient amount of sleep. Sleep plays a vital role in our metabolism. Also, lack of sleep makes us tired, cranky, and demoralized. This, especially, happens during our period. Women tend to sleep less. It doesn’t matter how much you are feeling uncomfortable, or worried about staining. Simply put on some music and go to sleep. It is something that can help you avoid your cramps, too.

14. Track your dates.

This is also important. By tracking down your dates, you know exactly when to expect your period, and in that manner, you get to prepare yourself from before. By preparing, I mean all the points mentioned above: eating healthy food, done with your waxing, adding omega-3, calcium (you should do this regularly, though), drinking plenty of water, and most importantly, carrying pads in your bag.

15. Be happy.

Being happy can be an arduous task during your period. But if you want, you can combat your mood swings before they can even knock at your door. Try to enjoy your day-to-day activities, no matter how tedious and boring they are, try to appreciate the tiniest things in life. Get lost in nature once a while. Arrange a get together. Once you are happy, and active, you won’t suffer from cramps, and mood swings. Even if you have slight cramps, they won’t bother you because you have other vital things in life.