1. Go to a Free Gig

Coffee shops, libraries and local venues often host free gigs, so see if there is anything going on in your area this weekend. Concerts can actually be much more rewarding when you go alone; you can really listen to the music, rather than worrying about where your friends are.

2. Go on a Long Walk or a Hike

Going for a long walk and experiencing nature is often more enjoyable if you are alone, as it is peaceful, quiet, and relaxing. You can stop to appreciate every beautiful flower you pass, you can take a break whenever you want, and best of all, you can hear all of the quiet, busy sounds of nature.

3. Order Your Favorite Take Out Food

Get the menu and order your favorite take-away with all of the toppings and extras. Revel in the knowledge that you don’t have to share one bite with anyone else, and you can order as much food as you want without judgement – except maybe from the delivery guy.

4. Take a Shopping Trip Alone

Dial down any shopping stress by taking the trip alone. Other people can slow you down or pressure you to hurry up, and you can end up missing out on the best clothes or deals. Take a leisurely trip alone and take your time trying everything on: you are likely to have a great day and find something you love.

5. Finish That Project

If you have a few hours free and you’re feeling proactive, head to a coffee shop or your office and finish off anything you’ve been putting off. From updating your CV to finishing a work project, you will feel accomplished and proud as soon as you have finished.

6. Marathon a TV Show You Love

The best part about watching television alone is that you can watch whatever you want, no matter how shameful and embarrassing it is. Put on your comfiest clothes, get some snacks and put your feet up for hours of guilt-free viewing.

7. Exercise

Exercise can be a little awkward, especially when you first start. You haven’t fully learnt all the moves to Zumba yet, and you don’t know what most of the machines in your gym are actually supposed to be used for. Exercising alone means you get to move at your own pace, and do exercises that interest you personally.

8. Test Yourself

Challenge yourself to keep your mind alert; pick up a Sudoku or fill in a quiz online. It is nice to achieve things when you are alone, and you get free bragging rights once you’ve finished.

9. Try New Recipes

Cook a new dish you’ve been eyeing up; you don’t have guests to let down if it goes wrong, and if it goes right you can eat it all yourself. This is a fun way to hang out by yourself, and you may become a cooking pro in the process.

10. Travel

Travelling alone means there are no compromises; you can go wherever you want, see whatever you want, and eat wherever you want. Even if you just travel to the nearest city for the day, savor the luxury of going at your own pace.

11. Visit a Bookstore

If you live near a library or bookstore with seating, take a trip there for a fun day alone. You can pick up a book, snuggle up, and travel to a different world in your mind. This is the perfect weekend plan if you are a little low on money, but you still want to have some quality alone time.

12. Take a Long, Hot Bath

If you have the time, set aside an hour for a long, hot bath. Indulge yourself; light some candles, put on a relaxing album and soak your troubles away.

13. Explore Your Local Museum

You may be put off visiting your local museum due to bad school trips and annoying tour guides, but you may have a totally different opinion after you have visited alone. Museums are filled with interesting and fascinating objects. And you can take your time to appreciate the things you really enjoy – without a tour guide telling you to move on.

14. Listen to Music

Listening to music when you’re alone is a real mood booster; you can put on your favorite album and sing along as loudly as you want – if you feel like it, you can even do some dancing too!

15. Relive Your Childhood

A great way to spend a day alone is to relive your childhood. Buy some of the food you loved as a child and put on your favorite children’s film for a day of cosy reminiscing.