Whether they were heroes or villains, our favorite Disney characters opened up a window to a world we could only dream of being a part of. Yet, they never really left us. Our hearts still melt when we remember Mufasa, and somehow we’ll always keep the lyrics to “A Whole New World” somewhere in the backs of our minds. They became a part of our childhood, just like old friends that one day we’ll tell our children about. But until we do, here are a few quotes to remember when life gets hard.

1. It’s OK to be a little loopy.

2. Freedom is the best gift.

3. Don’t just watch life pass you by.

4. Get out of your comfort zone.

5. You get what you give. Give love. Loads of it.

6. Some people are worth figuring out.

7. You will never know how great you can be unless you try.

8. So, try. If it doesn’t work, then try harder.

9. Surround yourself with people that care.

10. Take the blame and learn to make better choices.

11. Keep your eyes open.

12. Failing is everyone’s story.

13. Leave the past where it belongs.

14. Challenges and heartaches will make you grow.

15. Know right from wrong.

16. Life’s hard. Don’t forget to be kind to yourself.