How to Maximize Energy from Sleep 

Plan and Measure

  1. Wake up and go to sleep at the same time every day. This will allow your body to get in to a rhythm, making it easier to both fall asleep and wake up on time. 2. For some people, it’s not the amount of sleep per day that has the most effect, it’s the amount of sleep per week. Find times in your schedule to catch up on sleep and fuel yourself for the rest of the week. Try measuring sleep in hours per week instead of per day. 3. On days where you won’t be getting as much sleep as you would like the night before, don’t plan as rigorous a schedule. Plan your most challenging and important tasks for days when you will be getting enough sleep.

How to Fall Asleep Faster

  1. Avoid screens such as phones or computers before bed. Many screens have been shown to display a type of light that may cause restlessness. 5. Avoid work or other stressful activities close to bed time. Instead, try relaxing activities such as reading or spending time with friends or family. 6. Don’t do work in your bedroom. You don’t want to have your bed associated with the feeling you get from work. Keep your bedroom as your place of relaxation. 7. Don’t drink caffeine too close to bed time.

How to Wake Up Faster

  1. Set your alarm clock to play music you love. It will excite you and give you energy to start the day. 9. Put your alarm clock across the room so you have to get out of bed to turn it off. 10. Drink coffee or tea immediately upon waking up. This will alleviate the morning groggy feeling and help you make the most of your awake time. 11. Drink water right before you go to sleep. When you wake up you’ll have to go to the bathroom, which will make you want to get up and prevent you from falling back to sleep. However, try to avoid excess amounts of water within the few hours prior to going to sleep, as at may cause you to wake up in the middle of the night. 12. Leave your blinds open. The sun will make you up in the morning and give you energy.

How to Boost Energy from Sources Other Than Sleep


  1. Spread food consumption across five to six meals per day. Digestion is a major use of energy. Eating five to six meals will help your body digest easier, and therefore hog less energy. In addition, you will have the right amount of sustenance throughout the day. 14. Drink plenty of water. 15. Avoid large serving sizes of sugar. Shortly after consuming a large serving of sugar, your energy levels may drop. 16. Avoid large serving sizes of saturated fat, such as fried foods. Excess amounts of saturated fats have been shown to cause fatigue.


  1. Exercise enough, but not too much. The right amount of exercise will boost your energy levels. However, if you exercise too much, your body will need more sleep to recuperate. 18. Short walks during the day can prevent you from feeling lethargic.


  1. Have fun! Don’t forget to allocate time to friends and family, hobbies, etc. These activities will excite you and keep you motivated. 20. Keep your mind stimulated but not overworked. Similar to exercise, some mental challenge will give you energy, but too much may leave you fatigued. 21. Meditate. 22. Get exposure to sunlight. Exposing your skin and eyes to sunlight will give you Vitamin D, which can boost energy. 23. Try new things. Break your routine, learn something new, go on a spontaneous adventure to give yourself a fresh perspective.