This article shows you how, through emphasizing what highly motivated people have in common.

1. They work on their goals no matter what.

Ignoring countless excuses, even the most reasonable ones is what these people practice on a daily basis. Whether it’s rainy and cold, they are thirsty, hungry or exhausted, a motivated individual sets the goals as a top priority staying deaf to negative self-talk and rationalization.

2. They don’t rely purely on motivation.

Opposed to misconceptions, they don’t lean only on motivation. If you depend completely on it, you are in troubles once its levels hit rock bottom. Achievers practice self-discipline and train their willpower to get the best results.

3. They focus on the long-term perspective.

Things worth having in life are ones you can’t get instantly. Motivated people prefer long-term reward over quick gratification. That’s why they’ll always hit the gym while regular folks waste their time on social media.

4. They use failure as an indicator of being closer to their goals.

Failure is an inseparable part of success. One does not exist without the other. Hard-working people know that every time they attempt achieving their goal, they risk failure. The fact is, however, each try brings them one step closer to their goals.

5. They separate themselves from negative energy and thoughts.

Negative thoughts can ruin your ability to focus on your priorities. Instead, you lose motivation, doubt your skills and get off the track. Successful people know how to handle negative energy and separate themselves from its impact.

6. They truly believe in themselves.

Deep self-belief is what helps them to go through the times of lowest motivation levels and frequent negative thoughts. Do you need reasons to believe in yourself? Here are 7 powerful reasons to finally believe in yourself.

7. They embrace life-long learning.

Achievers are life-long learners and they commit to becoming wiser day after day. By doing this, they ensure every new obstacle is easier to overcome.

8. They surround themselves with other highly motivated people.

Your surroundings have a colossal impact on yourself, whether you believe it or not. Spend most of your time with like-minded people to get inspired and learn from them, instead of going downhill around naysayers and haters.

9. They repeat positive affirmations.

If your mind bombards you with negative thoughts, don’t worry, it’s natural! It doesn’t want you to do uncomfortable stuff so it spares no effort to convince you that you can’t. To overcome that, motivated people repeat positive affirmations whenever they feel like giving up. These 7 empowering affirmations help you become mentally strong.

10. They embrace discomfort.

Feeling uncomfortable is a sign of a change. Oftentimes, it’s a change for better. For instance, working out while you are tired after work or school isn’t pleasant, but the results afterward are worth the effort.

11. They welcome challenges with open arms.

By constantly challenging themselves, motivated people learn about their strengths and weaknesses. Each challenge is an invaluable life lesson which they look forward to.

12. They take care of their health day in and day out.

High achievers cover every aspect of their health, whether it’s physical, intellectual, emotional, spiritual or social, they ensure to cherish every aspect of their health so they can perform at the highest level.

13. They enjoy the journey.

When they fail to reach their goals over and over again, highly motivated people find joy in the journey they took and the lessons they learned.

14. They ignore other people’s limitations.

The crowd questions the abilities of people who stick out and try something exceptional. To become highly motivated, you need to treat other people’s maximum as your warm up.

15. They ignore other people’s approval.

Whereas ordinary folks pay attention to others’ opinions, motivated people don’t let anyone’s disapproval stop them from reaching their goals.

16. They listen to motivational music.

Instead of crying over sad songs, they choose music that serves as a driving force.

17. They have a powerful morning routine.

The moment you wake up is the moment you start making your dreams become a reality. Adapting morning habits of successful people definitely accelerates the process.

18. They remove potential distractions and barriers.

Being aware of their weaknesses, motivated people get rid of things which could complicate their lives and interfere with their goals. Thereby, they are less likely to respond to urges and lose control.

19. They set specific goals and plan strategically.

High achievers set clear goals and prepare the strategy to accomplish them. Each action is planned and has a purpose, there’s no wandering.

20. They invest in themselves.

The truth is, you are your greatest asset, so every dollar you invest in self-improvement, whether it’s in books, seminars, coaching or events, is a money well spent.

21. They take full responsibility.

If you want to achieve something, you have to truly believe that everything that separates you from the goal is within your control. Rather than blaming external factors, motivated people accept complete responsibility for their lives.

22. They devote full attention to their habits.

Your habits form your future, so it’s worth paying attention to the tasks you do repeatedly. To improve, motivated people adopt healthy habits and get rid of the toxic ones.

23. They know when to say no and do it often.

Saying no to distractions is required so you can say yes to your dreams and passions. Motivated people understand that most issues are things you don’t need to say yes to. The fact is, quitting most things is obligatory so you can focus on the ones that really matter.

24. They are happy with the success of others.

Others’ achievements serve them as a great source of motivation and prove that accomplishing remarkable goals is within anyone’s reach. There’s no jealousy or resentment!