You’ve probably gone through a similar experience. Have you struggled with dull, dry skin that makes you look older? Don’t worry! One of the easiest tricks to get younger looking skin is to change your diet. It’s that easy! It’s also more affordable than the expensive skincare products.

The 3 Foods That Make Your Skin Healthier

1. Avocados

Avocados can be your best friend when it comes to getting a glowing skin. Because avocados are high in fat, some people try to avoid them in order to lose weight. But, this is a mistake. Avocados are chock-full of monosaturated fatty acids, which promote good cholesterol. Good cholesterol, in turn, helps produce and circulate the hormones that keep your skin healthy. As an added bonus, the healthy fat in avocados strengthens lipid bilayers in skin cells. These lipids maintain cell membranes so that they can do their job – retain water. When your skin cells retain water, your skin looks soft and youthful. To take advantage of avocados’ healthy skin benefits, eat at least half of one every day. You can spread it on breakfast toast with a drizzle of olive oil and a sprinkle of sea salt or even mix it up with a smoothie!

2. Eggs

Like avocados, eggs have gained a bad reputation and are sometimes omitted from diet plans. Yes, eggs are high in cholesterol, but it’s the good kind – HDL. HDL cholesterol allows your body to produce the hormones you need for plump, beautiful skin. Not only do eggs increase healthy cholesterol levels, but also provide an excellent source of protein. Try adding an egg a day to your diet. Hardboiled eggs are great for salads and sandwiches.

3. Dark Leafy Greens

Did you snub your nose at broccoli and spinach as a child? Well, it’s time to get over your aversion to dark leafy greens because they are excellent for your health, hormones, and skin! Vegetables like kale, brussel sprouts, broccoli, and spinach contain high levels of sulphorafane and indole-3 carbinol. Not sure you want these natural compounds? You do. They work with the liver to produce estrogen. Estrogen is one of the best hormones for a healthy skin because it produces collagen. Collagen keeps you wrinkle-free and gives your skin a firm, supple appearance. It also improves blood circulation which gives skin an extra boost in its ability to self-repair. To reap the estrogen boosting benefits of dark leafy greens, consume around a half cup every day. You can throw these vegetables in stir-frys, smoothies, and soups. Now that you know what to do, you can start tomorrow! Don’t forget to drink the recommended 64 ounces of water every day so you can stay hydrated and help your skin recover. Featured photo credit: MK1_FIESTA via