Your plan is to stop procrastinating and start that new business, join a gym, demand a raise, or ask that special someone on a date. Then, the next day comes and nothing quite goes the way you expected. While the day showed promise, you ended up stopping before you ever gained any momentum. That cycle is the result of you not mentally preparing yourself to change your life. Change can be stressful and overwhelming at times, so you want to be confident in your ability to succeed[1]. Morning affirmations can help you get there. In this article, you will find 30 morning affirmations to help you start afresh, so read on!

Don’t Overthink It

When you procrastinate, it is often due to a lack of certainty around what is going to happen next. What do you do if the business doesn’t take off like you hoped? How will you manage rejection, or what if you don’t accomplish your goals as quickly as you you hoped? As you ponder the answer to these questions, your mind begins to worry about the likelihood of success. Somewhere in your subconscious, you have a belief that contradicts your conscious mind. As a result, you must take on the task of reprogramming your subconscious mind to match your conscious mind. The most efficient way to reprogram your subconscious mind is to feed it experiences of success. You may believe every fiber of your being wants to change your life, but that is rarely the case. While, on a conscious level, you understand the benefits of the transformation you want to make in your life, the underlying fear of the unknown is causing you to hesitate and wonder if your life isn’t already good enough. This doubt manifests itself when you attempt to try something new[2]. It makes you feel as though the change you want to make in your life will cost you your life if you fail. On a conscious level, you know rejection is not life threatening, but that doesn’t change the inner emotional turmoil you experience.

The Key to Building Confidence

The best way to overcome your fear and self-doubt is to program your mind with confidence and faith. Faith is the ability to see a future that you have yet to experience. Since you have not materialized your strongest desires yet, there is plenty of uncertainty surrounding your ability to do so. This is why it is important for you to continually reinforce to your subconscious mind your desires and ability to change your life with morning affirmations. Think of your subconscious mind as the accumulation of all your life experiences. These experiences then create your beliefs, which in turn create your habits, which ultimately create your actions. You could have been rejected as a child, and now you avoid sharing your ideas. There could have been a past business venture that failed, and now you don’t know if the next one will succeed.

Watch the People Around You

Interestingly enough, some of your past experiences are not even your own. The negative experiences of others can also lead to inaction and a lack of confidence. Imagine you have a friend who is always talking about how awful their experience was at a particular restaurant. How likely are you to want to eat at that restaurant? Let me take it a step further. If someone asked for your opinion about the restaurant, what thoughts would immediately surface? The thoughts shared by your friend, of course. Even though you never personally attended the restaurant, you have strong feelings because of the repeated complaints from your friend. Whether positive or negative, consistent thoughts and experiences will change your perspective and cause your actions to change accordingly. By starting each day with morning affirmations, you will take control of what you allow your mind to contemplate throughout the day. Instead of allowing fear and doubt to paralyze you, you will fill your mind with thoughts of confidence and faith.

Protect Your Most Precious Treasure

The impact your experiences have on the decisions you make doesn’t stop there. It also includes fictional events that have never happened to anyone. Have you ever found yourself behind a semi-truck carrying a load of cut down trees? If you have seen the movie Final Destination, then you know where I am going with this. In the movie, there is a scene where twenty logs fall off the back of a semi-truck and start barreling into the cars behind him. Logs are smashing through windshields, flipping cars over and killing dozens of people. Anyone that has seen this scene cannot help but feel uneasy about driving behind a semi-truck carrying logs. Even though this event did not happen in real life, your mind could care less. As far as it is concerned, because you “witnessed” it, you experienced it. And since you experienced it, your mind recognized the events that led to it “happening” and “warns” you.

Say It Like You Mean It

To your mind, experiences are experiences. Whether those experiences are your own, someone else’s, or even if they are fictional stories, your mind will absorb lessons from them. This is why morning affirmations work so well. Over time, your mind is going to accept those experiences as fact[3]. This will lead you to ultimately take action that is aligned with your goals. Confidence is built through experience, so you need to create the imagery in your mind of the change you want to see in your life. It may feel silly at first, but think about it. In each of the examples discussed, the actions were dictated by past experiences. What do your past experiences say about the decisions you make today? If you are ready to change your life, then commit to repeating these morning affirmations every day for the next 30 days.

30 Morning Affirmations to Boost Your Confidence

Final Thoughts

Morning affirmations can help you start each day with positive momentum. This momentum will propel you through your day and the challenges you face. The goal is to change your perception about the life, so you can change your actions. Confidence is not a lack of fear, but the understanding you can accomplish the goal you set forth. You have confidence in anything you have already accomplished. If you have learned to walk or ride a bike, it is difficult for someone to convince you that you cannot accomplish those tasks. Yet, if I asked you to walk to the top of Mount Everest, your confidence may fade. Nevertheless, someone who has successfully scaled Mount Everest would not hesitate at the challenge. For you to create confidence in something you haven’t done, start using morning affirmations immediately. The only thing that can overcome failure is persistence and faith in yourself. Stay true to yourself and never give up until you have made your dream a reality.

More Morning Affirmations for Confidence

7 Positive Affirmations To Tell Yourself Every Day 30 Daily Positive Affirmations to Boost Your Motivation 8 Affirmations to Say Every Morning before Getting Up

Featured photo credit: Julian Hochgesang via