Click on the image to download a wallpaper sized 30 Second Tip! When in doubt, keep your mouth shut. Life is full of hard choices, and the bigger they are and the more options we have, the harder they get. As it happens, our brains are fairly binary. They can react very quickly when presented with two options, especially when one’s clearly better. Stand here and drown in the rising waters or jump onto that big rock and be safe? Easy choice. When presented with more options, though, we choke up. Jump onto the rock or climb the tree? We don’t know which is clearly better, and research shows that most people will not choose at all when presented with several equally good options. Practice, experience, and rules of thumbs can help us to make those split-second decisions (for example, “When in doubt, go left” has done pretty well for me so far). Fortunately we don’t normally face immediate, do-or-die decisions – we usually have the luxury of working through a decision. How to Make the Right Choice

30sec Tip  What to Do When You Are in Doubt - 31