Often times handling a Start-Up can be as hard as giving birth. Physically the pain may not compare but emotionally and mentally, it’s the same concept of bringing a new life to planet earth. The time, dedication, passion, and love may eventually surpass all expectations; however, the question has always been on how do you keep everything on track? How does organizing a Start-Up work? What you need to know and what you need to understand becomes a challenge in this journey. Fortunately, after discussing with a variety of Start-Up founders, developers and entrepreneurs here are a few tips on how you can keep your foundation on the right track.

1. Team Communication Is Essential.

In life, communication becomes the by-laws humans live by. It’s a method used to understand, integrate and to listen to various voices without any biases. In a relationship or at work communication is key to success; it puts away differences and avoids unnecessary misunderstandings that could result in the lack of productivity and efficiency. Therefore, this same concept applies with a start-up, a start-up usually consist of a small number of employees or better yet team members. Usually, it’s the people we trust the most and the pivotal structure in ensuring the success of any Start-Up. As the founder, it becomes your responsibility to create an ambiance, which allows the freedom of communication and understanding. This way of management allows tasks to be delegated easily and leads to a solid organization instead of a messy one. Hence in the future it will help you to avoid any misunderstandings and will lead to a greater success,

2. Don’t Allow Everyone To Make Decisions In The Terms Of Accounting.

Even though communication is a key point in progress, finances should be between two parties. The concept of too many cooks’ ruins the soup applies in this delicate situation. As in the beginning of a start-up, financial decisions become important factors that decides the fate of your start-up for the next 3-4 years, hence making the right call at the right time becomes necessary. Therefore, instead of involving the whole team in a financial decision, it would be best if things were kept simple between you and your accountant. This allows you to keep an open mind and reduces the stress of influence in the finance department in making any decisions. Furthermore, this method avoids conflict of interest among any parties. For a Start-Up to grow and prosper, the accounting team should be the secret weapon used to conquer.

3. Keep A Tracking Method For Logistics.

In the start of an organization, resources may be scarce and keeping track of all the incoming and outgoing logistics may proof to be a challenge. In the 80’s bookkeepers and secretaries used to handle the noting down and the tagging of all logistics, however often time human errors proved to be greater. This has led to many losses, misunderstandings, disappointments and demises of progressive start-ups in the past. However, over the years, technology has become better with the formation of apps and tools that help track your logistics in your office. You will be able to organize all your logistics, from the borrowed to the bought and to the sold, reducing your risks of running into any human error. Furthermore, this reduces the burden on your team, which could utilize this time in an efficient manner. Why use unnecessary labor if you have technology to make your life easier.

4. Be a Delegation Master.

In a company, the beginning is as extreme as walking through a tornado. However having a team isn’t as easy as being a solo-prenuer. As a solo-prenuer you’re entirely responsible for yourself, you aren’t in the jeopardy of deciding over others lives or their livelihood hence it takes the stress out of running your own business. For any entrepreneur, in the start, the ability to trust and the ability to delegate would seem to be a challenge. This is because we are used to hovering over everyone and having a hands on approach. However, delegation of tasks and keeping track of them is a necessary factor as it shows the trust you put in your team as well as allows you to focus on far more important tasks. “It’s all about the delegation” has become the motto many live by as a way to understand the importance of teamwork and sustainability. It’s easier said than done, starting out in a field often times becomes a challenge however with these tips it definitely becomes easier to organize your Start-Up as well as to encourage it to a greater success and expand its potential. Featured photo credit: Olu Eletu via images.unsplash.com