1. Don’t dwell on situations

Everyday is a chance for a change. Whether you like that change or not, it is something that we may or may not be able to control. If you can’t control it and if it is not a good change, make sure that you do not dwell on it. Instead, be the type of person that can adapt to change. As Charles Darwin had said: “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.”

2. Don’t say no to opportunities

Remember that concert that you did not end up going to because you chose to stay inside the house? Well, that artist might never go back to your town, or the artist might not have enough hits in the future for you to see or watch their concert. If you get the chance to work in another country for a year or a chance to make a change in your life for the better, do it. Opportunities that go by might not come back again.

3. Try new things

You only live once, and if you do not try out new things in this lifetime, when will you? Get to experience what that raw salmon dish really tastes like, or why a particular dish is a hit in India. Do try doing something that you think is beyond your comfort zone. Be bold and adventurous.

4. Learn to let go

Not everyone that we meet or that come into our lives are meant to stay for long periods in our lives. People come and go. So if you find people that cherish you, make sure that you treasure the moments that you have with them. And make plans together to add to your memory banks. Also, people do change. If you find that someone you have known for a long time had a change in attitude or beliefs, and is not working out for you anymore, do not be afraid to let go from them. Sometimes, we have to let go of other people to be a better person.

5. Learn now or never

There are things in life that you can learn while you are young, but might be harder to learn as you get older. For exmple, learning a new language or learning how to swim. If you want to learn something, do it now and not later, because before you know it, your body might no be able to anymore. And situations do change. For example, learning something that requires a lot of effort might be a harder task when you need to balance taking care of a baby and doing a full-time job. The things that we are able to do now may not be the things that we are willing to do or able to do so in the next year. So, do what you can do right now. Do not procrastinate because procrastinating does not work well with a fast-running time of life.