Sometimes, moving to a new location doesn’t mean that you don’t like your current location or that you’re not productive where you are. It may just be a dream you’ve always had that you must fulfil. Your reasons for wanting to relocate may include exploring the world, sharing the experiences of other people, eating their food, visiting their most beautiful places, or getting a job in a new location that you could never get in your hometown. Whatever reason you have, you can never achieve it if you aren’t determined. Moving from Japan to the United States could be one of the worst decisions ever if you aren’t prepared. Some people might make this decision overnight and simply hope for the best. But, if you desire to relocate from Japan to the United States, careful planning is necessary to make the best of your decision and give you the best chance to live your dream life. These 5 carefully outlined tips will help you make your plans.

1. Decide You’re Really Moving

Do you really want to move? Every successful journey starts with a single but difficult decision. Sometimes, after the excitement of the moment passes, you may let your plans elude you if you aren’t determined to push through with your decision. A lot of people desire to move from Japan to the United States but have no concrete reason for doing so that will keep them going past the moment of excitement and push them through the long haul. Deciding to move is a personal choice and is different for every person. For someone who is new in his or her job or early in a marriage, this may be a very easy choice to make. However, it would be a very difficult choice for someone who is later in their career path or has a family and more connections to their current location. Whichever condition you are in, moving is never a completely bad decision to make, but in the latter situation, you will need to spend a long time planning and preparing, and only a strong will can push you through.

2. Find Temporary Accommodations

It’s the desire of everyone relocating to the US to find a comfortable place of residence. However, it’s never a good decision to hope to find the best home before you’ve moved to the US, because this may cost you more than you could imagine. However comfortable you are in Japan, keep it in mind that your early life in the US may be entirely different. Lifestyles, houses, and accommodations in the US are entirely different from what you’ve known and what you’ve experienced in Japan or in other locations. It’s best to look for temporary accommodations in the US when you’re just moving in and then look for someplace better when you’re fully settled.

3. Move Your Luggage

Have you done an international move before? If your answer is yes, then you should know how much time, effort and money these moves demand. There are different means of moving your luggage from Japan to the US, and if you aren’t careful, you may not find the one that is best for you. It’s best to seek as much information as you can and explore all available options before making a choice. Moving your luggage and/or furniture is one of the toughest things to do, especially when moving abroad. To help this process run smoothly, it’s necessary to make the best choice from among the available moving options. You may require the services of a moving company, but ensure you find the best possible company to hire. It’s important to seek the opinions of those who’ve used the moving service before, or to at least make a smart choice based on your budget, the mover’s price offer, and the company’s level of experience. You need to identify an international mover that offers exactly the services you are looking for at a price you can afford. This is entirely your choice, and you have nearly unlimited options depending on the service level you’re looking for.

4. Make Friends

This may be a little difficult, but you have to do it quickly to get along in the US. People from other countries often complain how difficult it is to make friends with Americans, but from my understanding, the difficulty doesn’t come from the Americans but from ourselves. If it’s easy to make friends with people from your native country, what makes the difference? Well, naturally, we like people who share similar characteristics with us, and we feel a lot more comfortable with them and feel a sense of mutual understanding with such people. Still, two things I’ve discovered about people who find it difficult to make friends with Americans are 1. They believe that Americans are entirely different people from themselves, and 2. Their fear of rejection. You must overcome that belief and that fear and build in yourself a higher sense of self-worth and attractiveness. Yes! Americans are different people, and they speak, behave and relate differently compared to people from other cultures. However, they remain the friendliest people you can find. If you can focus on the similarities you share as humans and make an effort to learn their ways fast, you’ll carry along easily. It is your attitude that will either attract you to any person on earth or repel you from them. On the other hand, focusing on the differences between your way of life and that of the Americans you meet will only repel you from them, and instead of blaming yourself, you may be tempted to blame them. Overcome your fear of rejection, notice more of the similarities between you instead of the differences, learn to believe that you’re special and that anyone would love to be your friend, and be ready to learn new ways of life. This will help you make friends more easily than you could imagine.

5. Live Your Dreams

There’s nothing more to living well than living the life you desired. Live and explore your new location. Those beautiful moments you had in your dreams of being in America, visiting the most beautiful places, having fun and making your life worthwhile- bring them to reality now. The world belongs to you, and you have lots of the best choices to make, so make them and live your life.