Whatever your life is looking like right now you can be happy today too. Here’s my five tips to be happy now without changing a thing.

1. Practice Gratitude For What You Do Have

We are all beyond blessed with many things we can be grateful for every day. If you have a roof over your head, food on the table and a family to love, you are already among the luckiest people in the world. If you are also blessed with the opportunity to indulge your interests and hobbies and time to socialize with friends and family, you are even luckier. Count your blessings and practice gratitude for what you do have every single day to be happy now.

2. Do Something Every Day That You Truly Enjoy

Make sure you do something every single day that you truly enjoy. Even if you only have half an hour to indulge, take the time out and do it. It might be cooking, reading, crafting, swimming, painting, writing or a multitude of other things. Whatever it is that lights you up, make time for it today. It’s easy to make excuses about why you shouldn’t do something you love, like not having enough time, money, or space–the list goes on. It’s essential that you step past these excuses though and just do it. If you don’t do things you love today, when will you ever do them? Tomorrow can easily turn into next week, next month and next year. No matter how you’re feeling right now take some time out to do something that you truly enjoy.

3. Celebrate The Little Things

No matter where you are in your life right now there are little things you can enjoy every single day. Stop to smell the flowers on your morning walk, appreciate the smile of a young child, listen to the sound of the birds cheeping in the morning with ears wide open and savor every last bite of that delicious dessert. There is beauty and happiness in the little things every single day; you just need to open your eyes to see them to be happy now.

4. Spend Time With Friends and Family

Your friends and family will lift you up and make you feel good. Cherish the time you spend with them and do it often. Even if things in your life aren’t perfect, you can always count on friends and family to bring a smile to your face. Sometimes when we are unhappy, we feel the urge to block out those closest to us, for fear of bringing them down or shame for our current situation. Fight the urge and spend some quality time with your friends and family today. You’ll feel happier and ready to tackle life with a whole new enthusiasm.

5. Make a List of Intentions For The Year Ahead

Just because you’re not changing things today doesn’t mean you can’t set some positive intentions. Set some life goals for the coming year and soak up the positivist. Every year is a fresh start and an opportunity to improve your life. By setting some positive future intentions, you’ll bring good vibes into your life today. Don’t feel pressured to make a big list of goals and changes. Simply set some intentions for how you would like your life to look in the coming year. Do you feel the pressure to make big changes in your life to be happy? What’s one thing you can do today to be happy now? Photo credit: Pink Sherbet Photography, Flickr, CC