1. Use Social Media to Your Advantage

2. Network, Network, Network

Use your smartphone to stay current on what others in your desired industry are doing. Maintain your contacts using either your social networking app or other online chat applications. Touch base with personal contacts who might have the inside scoop on job opportunities. Join discussions on sites such as LinkedIn. Search for jobs via your Twitter contacts. Make your presence known through intelligent postings and online conversations. Because your smartphone is always with you, you will be able to stay up to date with potential job prospects by networking.

3. Use Job Site Applications

Use job application apps to search and apply for jobs that you’re interested in. Many career sites, such as Monster will give you access to job boards and company websites. You can also post your résumé and other career experiences on these sites. You can narrow down your searches easily via mobile apps. Set up alerts at these sites, so you can receive messages when a new job in your field is available. On the flip side, if you’re an employer, you can easily sort through applications. Once you get a group of employers, you can push updates and sync documents to all of their phones simultaneously with enterprise mobility management.

4. Have Your Résumé Ready to Submit Instantly

Use a smartphone app that will allow you to store your résumé and cover letters. Many mobile apps for job sites have this feature built in. This will give you the ability to respond quickly to a job opportunity, even if you are enjoying a day at the beach. Since a quick response to a job posting in a professional manner is often the advantage to getting that interview, you want to be prepared no matter where you are. By using your smartphone, social media and job seeking apps, you will be able to job hunt at any time from anywhere. You can stay on top of possible job leads while watching television or relaxing with your friends and family. Until now, you probably didn’t even think of your smartphone as a job hunting tool. Job hunting does require some thought and time; however, by using these smartphone apps wisely, you should be able to land a new job.

5. Don’t Miss A Chance To Gather More Information

Using your smartphone provides other tools at your disposal, It can organize uncover and manage information during your job hunt. For example, suppose you are walking and spot a QR code for a job fair. Or you’re riding an elevator and see a poster for a job festival. Wouldn’t it be handy to make a note or set a reminder? The more information you have at your disposal will make your job hunt thorough. But you also need to make sure not to leave any opportunity on the table. . Your smartphone likely includes utilities like a calculator and calendar. Take advantage of those tools because you never know when an opportunity will present itself.

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