I hope these help and support your missions to success! —George Patton, General —Napolean Bonaparte —Mark Sanborn —Andre Malraux —Steve Jobs —Ovid —John C. Maxwell —Friedrich Nietzsche —Bill Bradley —Michael Jordan —John F. Kennedy —Eleanor Roosevelt —Aristotle —Stephen Covey —Andrew Carnegie —Dwight D. Eisenhower —Margaret Thatcher —Robert E. Lee —Geraldine Ferraro —Sheryl Sandberg —Abraham Lincoln —Whoopi Goldberg —Tony Blair —John Paul Warren —Henry Kissinger  —Benjamin Disraeli —John Paul Warren —Kelley Armstrong —Karen Marie Moning —Eugene V. Debs  —Homer —John Paul Warren —Winston Churchill —Howard Gardner —Grace Murray Hopper   —Thomas Monson —Clint Eastwood —Seth Godin —Norman Schwarzkopf —Reed Markham  —David Marquet —Seth Godin —Jaachynma Agu —John MacArthur —Orrin Woodward  —Larry Niven —Maurice Flanagan —Tahir Shah —Charles Faddis —Howard Schultz  —Bob Woodward —Biz Stone Featured photo credit: Piotr Kwiatkowski via unsplash.com