A habit of healthy exercise need not require much time or effort as many first imagine. The easiest way to get started is by performing workouts the first thing in the morning. Not only is it convenient, it will wake your body up and even trigger extra fat burning before breakfast. Use only these 6 bodyweight movements you will quickly strengthen and stretch your entire body with 6 minutes flat! They’ll get your blood pumping, improve your mood and even make you more productive for day ahead. Ready to enter the morning-warrior club? Complete each exercise one after another in a circuit format. Let’s see how far you can get in 6 minutes!

1. Squats

Without a shadow of a doubt, squats are the king of the full-body exercises. While they focus primarily on the lower body muscles, hips, glutes, hamstrings and quads, they also help strengthen your entire core. While toning your legs and carving out your buttocks you’ll also improve your balance and improve bone density!

2. Push Ups

Push ups are another bodyweight exercise powerhouse, this time focusing primarily on the upper body. They will strongly activate your chest, arm and shoulder muscles while also working your core. Don’t understate the effectiveness of this exercise!

3. Planks

The plank is the gold-standard of abdominal and core muscle strengthening exercises. As a static hold exercise, it may not look like much, but don’t let this fool you! This simple isometric exercise works the core harder than many other common ab exercises. By engaging your core muscles in a natural function of stability, your abs with pop and your lower back muscles. It’s never easy to stay healthy with a busy schedule. That’s why you need a program to keep yourself motivated to achieve this goal. Our goal system offers a program that delivers FREE and tailor-made materials to keep you updated with simple and healthy living ideas so you don’t need to spare much time and effort to stay healthy. Click in to learn more!

4. Walk Outs

Known to some as the inchworm, this exercise works both the upper body and core muscles as you support your body weight. It can be made even tougher by adding push-ups during this movement.

5. Low Lunge “Rocking Horse”

Lunges focus on strengthening the lower body and stretching out tight hamstrings and calves. The rocking horse variation helps to increase the stretch on your hip flexors and improve overall posture.

6. Bicycle Crunch

The average crunch just can’t match up to the bicycle crunch and it’s a perfect supplement to the plank. This exercise will help tone your waistline by working your core, abdominal and oblique muscles. Featured photo credit: Anastasia Hisel via unsplash.com