1. You start playing safe

People who grow with their talents tend to explore and take more risks. Risks are the bedrocks of progress. Without taking risks with your talents you could get stuck. Yes, sometimes your talent has to push you out of your comfort zone and engage you with more challenges. However, when you have started settling for what you are known for rather than developing into unknown territories, it means your growth has been halted somewhere.

2. You take more than you give

At the end of the day, no one can fully appreciate you enough for whatever talents you possess. Taking more than giving means that you are not offering more than what you are either paid for or assigned to do. Having a set skill or talent offers you the opportunity to give more of yourself to the world. Talented people tend to work harder and prove to the world that they deserve more than what they are being paid for or what duty they have been assigned to do. To improve your talent, you need to start finding a way to make better contributions rather than making more demands.

3. You see more roadblocks than opportunities

How do you view a new challenge? Do you see it as exciting or do you see as mountainous? Those who want to improve their talent are not afraid of obstacles or challenges. They do not see the negatives in a situation but rather they see the positives. Identify the opportunities you are presented with by changing your attitude to meet with challenges. By doing this you will be able to transform grief into greatness.

4. You resent making mistakes

Mistakes play a vital role in success. Many talented people make mistakes but are quick to learn from them and correct them. Correcting your attitude and devoting yourself to more education on your trade will distinguish you. Understanding that mistakes add to the learning curve rather than halting it could be beneficial to becoming the best you can be.

5. You prefer the easier way out

Because we live in a quick fix-society where you can lose ninety pounds with the swallowing of a pill, many people start looking for an easy way out. Unfortunately that is not the pattern nature has set for each of us. To building your talent and maintain a sustainable growth within it, you have to cherish difficulties. There is no easy way out of the doors of ignorance or mediocrity. Most times what could count even more than raw talent could be the determination and grit you have shown to build up your skills. Growing with your talent means earning every milestone you reach.

6. You are spending more time on other activities that don’t promote your skills

Your skills should be promoted by the attention you offer to it. What activities are you investing your time in? Are they related to helping develop your skills and talents? Focus and attention are crucial to making the best out of your talents because we all have constraints such as limited time and energy. This is why it is important to spend time with people and activities that continue to stir up the passion for your talent. To achieve growth with your talents, it will be better to devote your resources effectively to its consequential growth. By taking notes of these warning signs and taking action against them, you can start developing your talents and making substantive progress at it. Featured photo credit: http://www.pixabay.com via pixabay.com