If you’re a writer (or any kind of artist), the odds are you’ve struggled with doubt and I bet there have been days when it has been downright overwhelming, perhaps even enough to make you want to give in and give up. Fear not, doubting one’s self is human nature, but (and this is a big BUT) it’s also part of human nature to overcome and triumph over one’s doubts. YOU can do it! Yes, you can!

  Don’t get me wrong, deadlines are important and I prefer completing work earlier rather than later, but when I focus too much on a deadline I end up stalling and if I am not careful, I get completely stuck. The key for me to get past this is to try not to think about the due date, get to work right away and finish early. It wasn’t always that way. I used to be the last minute master of disaster, but that was exhausting and depressing, and I rarely (if ever) completed my work on time. When I finally realized how refreshing and rewarding it is to complete work early I began winning the internal struggle of starting. I still struggle, and I guess I always will, but I also continue to get better at starting and finishing!

I am in no way comparing myself to God, but I do love this particular quote, because on days when I struggle to find the right words and everything I write seems inane, or the words just don’t come, I read it and remind myself it’s not always going to be easy. Sometimes passion is hard work and I need to roll up my sleeves and press on. This quote is also helpful when my inner critic mocks me by telling me other writers are so much better and, of course, they have it easier. “They can write at will.” It tells me. “It’s easy for them.” Yep, and the grass is always greener…

  How many of us worry about whether we are any good or not? Writing is subjective. Stop thinking about it and just do it. If you keep writing, you’ll get better, so don’t stress yourself over it. At least, that’s what I tell myself, and I think it’s working! And that leads us to…

  It took me fifteen years to decide if this quote ticked me off or made me feel better. But he’s got a good point, don’t think about it – do it.

  Practice and persistence is the key to victory. Don’t give up, keep going, keep writing!

  That’s the truth of it, isn’t it? Be compelling, tell an interesting story and the rest will take care of itself. We tend to put way too much pressure on ourselves to be perfect, to dot every i and cross every t, and yet, what we should concern ourselves with is writing a good story. Let the editors edit. All you need to concern yourself with is writing something remarkable. This leads me to my final quote for this post…

   You’ve got something remarkable to say, so say it! I hope you enjoyed these quotes, now it’s your turn… Bryan Hutchinson is the author of Positive Writer, an award winning blog for writers and all creatives who struggle from time to time with confidence and trust in their ability to create work that matters. Quotes About Writing and Overcoming Doubt | Positive Writer

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