1. Around-the-Clock Accessibility

Almost everything on the internet is accessible 24/7, every day of the year. It requires very little effort on the customer’s part to decide on making a purchase via a website. Customers can be located anywhere, and may successfully use the website for their purchase. Many times this is the case for customers that need a very specific product, but do not have the time to search individual storefronts.

2. It is Cost Effective

When setting up a website, you will know exactly how much it will cost, unlike having a brick and mortar location that comes with variable monthly bills and the threat of theft. Affordable web hosting mixed with a website that is strategically developed will provide huge benefits at minimal cost for upkeep. All costs that are associated with keeping a website are clear cut and chosen by the individual that makes the website.

3. It Provides Credibility

Through building a website, a business is creating an opportunity for customers to trust the business, and then provide testimonials. Often times, consumers will search the internet for credibility of a product or service prior to making a purchase. Some people are still leery of making a purchase online due to the reputation for websites getting hacked or compromised. WordPress is the platform that 26% of all websites are built upon. However, there are ways to make sure that your WordPress website is safe for the customers.

4. It is Convenient

It is much more convenient to shop from the comfort of your own home than to spend the time driving around town. Keen business owners know this, and build their websites based on exactly that. This allows potential customers to browse and purchase any products that they may be looking for at any given time, and lends to making the process of comparing items much easier. Being able to save items to a shopping cart or bookmarking them, allows for users to conveniently locate the goods or services at a later date.

5. Great Marketing

When choosing to advertise with a website, there are a multitude of marketing opportunities that open up. This presence allows for the maximum amount of exposure, while spending the least amount of money. There are so many marketing options available through websites, that a business is only limited by which option they choose to utilize. Even with very minimal effort put into marketing, simply having an online presence will multiply the potential customers of the business while amplifying the existence of the business.

6. It Drives Sales

When a business spends more than it sells, failure is imminent. Having a presence online allows for the sale of products and services at any time, day or night, to whomever, wherever they are located. There are very few limitations, of course until you run out of stock. When a business is visible to the whole world, it raises the likelihood of gaining customers. The increase in visitors and customers, will contribute to expansion of business and increased sales.

7. Allows Targeting of a Larger Market

When a business provides goods or services, having a website ensures an arena in which accessing them is not limited by time or location. As a retailer, having a website lends to having a great arena to sell products to a wider market, even making the items available globally.