1. You are swamped.

Life gets really busy sometimes (especially if you’re an ambitious go-getter who wants to do everything). A relationship is a big investment in time, energy, and emotion (if you’re doing it right). What good is a partner if you’re too busy to spend any time with them? You might re-enter the dating arena after the dust settles, but for now your need for achievement trumps your need for companionship.

2. You value your independence.

The best couples understand that alone time isn’t just a nice thing to think about, but rather a necessity. Mentally strong people are not afraid of alone time. You can have a relationship and maintain your independence; but any relationship is going require some level of compromise (starting with where to go on date-night, through to bigger things like living situations in the future). If you’re not ready for that level of commitment, or want to maintain full independence in your decision-making, that could be why you are still single.

3. You need to figure yourself out.

If you’re going through a big life change—like going to a new school, starting a new job, living in a new city, or [insert your new and exciting thing here]—that could be why you are still single. It is unwise to invite a new partner into your life if you have a lot of house-cleaning to do. Take your time while settling into your new situation: love will be waiting for you when you’re ready.

4. You can’t stop thinking about __________.

Holding on to nasty feelings about your former flame will stop you from moving on with life. If you have emotional baggage left over from a previous relationship, let it go before jumping into a new one. Or maybe you still feel love for a person who doesn’t return the favor. If so, these 6 tips to cope with unrequited love might be useful.

5. You don’t know what you want.

Your standards for what makes a person an “excellent” match will change as you mature. There could be times where you’re just plain confused about what you want in a partner, and that’s okay. It could help to go on a date with a few different types of people; you’ll come out with a general idea of what traits attract you to a person and be better able to choose a partner you can be happy with. If you’d like some fun-and-memorable first date ideas, click here.

6. You aren’t comfortable in your body.

A lack of confidence in yourself can reflect in how you present yourself (posture, thoughts, behaviors, everything). Be confident in your body because it’s a glorious thing capable of carrying you anywhere in the world. And besides, what you see in the mirror has more to do with how you perceive yourself than reality. Curvy, muscular, skinny, somewhere-in-between? It doesn’t matter. Run, lift weights, take a yoga class, or practice healthy habits if you’d like to lose weight and get fit. But love your body today, because you’re incredibly good-looking as you are. And being confident in the vessel you have will draw people to you—confidence is hot!

7. Your actions don’t mirror your words.

If you talk about how you’d “just love to meet somebody special,” but never actually put yourself in a position where you could meet that special someone, then you have no reason to wonder why you are still single. Your future partner isn’t going to magically appear before your eyes. If you want them, you have to go get them! Make a dating profile, go to a bar, or coffee house, or park, or even a book store. If you see someone who catches your eye, march right up to them and introduce yourself. Single-and-ready-to-mingle but feeling nervous? Don’t be. You’ve got this. Remember: be confident! Single and fine with it? Great. You can be happy alone (and don’t let anybody tell you otherwise), so no big deal. Questions for the single folks: Are you single by choice? (And if so, I’m curious: why?) Do any of these “reasons why you are still single” sound familiar? (Be honest!)