Maybe you have a family situation that needs extra time and attention. Maybe you have a particular co-worker that just somehow grates on your very last nerve. Maybe you are ill or some you love is ill.

So what can you do when you feel angry, overwhelmed and stressed about the things you really have little control over? I believe that if you add preventative stress management into your daily lifestyle you can more easily control how you handle your reaction to the stressful situations that crop up. I would like to say that you can eliminate stress completely — but I can’t. However, there is a lot you can do to prepare yourself so when you are faced with these situations you can handle them with grace, an inner calm, and compassion.

Follow these simple steps to invite peace and harmony into your life:

When you give yourself time to think first, you’re much less likely to lash out, either verbally or physically. You can then approach the issue feeling calmer. By using the tools suggested here to help you stay positive, you can get a handle on your stress and enjoy greater happiness in your life.

Inspired Actions

Take just one idea, add 15 minutes, and feel your stress winding down. Leave a comment below to let me know how it went. (Photo credit: Portrait of Sadness and Stress via Shutterstock)