Let your natural emotions flow freely.

Sometimes life throws you lemons that test your resolve in unimaginable ways. When this happens, it’s okay to be angry, to cry your eyes out, and to seek answers. Let the emotions you’re experiencing come out in full force. It’s therapeutic. It’s healthy. It’s necessary. And expressing your emotions allows you to let go of your past.

Put the past behind you.

If you want to be happy now, you need to let go of the past. Open your eyes and see the world around you. It’s a beautiful place. Ask yourself: how can I grow from the tough situations I’ve experienced in the past? How will I be better in the future because of this experience? You may not know the answers right now, but this will help put you in a more present-focused mindset.

Figure out what happy means to you.

Happiness is subjective. There’s no concrete way to define it. It means something different to each of us. So think about what happiness means for you personally. When are you happiest? Who are you happiest with? If you’re struggling to find out how to be happy now, answering these questions will help you immensely.

Be mindful of the present moment.

Take a minute to ponder this: you’re alive and breathing. Your life is filled with people who love you. What more do you need? Humans tend to always strive for more, more, more. But when we open our eyes and focus on life, moment by moment, we stumble upon one of life’s great truths: that every moment is a miracle, and if you treat them as such you will be happier.

Be grateful.

Here’s something happy people do differently: they constantly give thanks for what they have, rather than focusing on what they don’t. Take time every day to be grateful. Do something nice for a total stranger. Say “thank you” often and actually mean it. And when someone does a favor for you, pay it forward. The universe could use more grateful, kind people. So be one of them.

Do the things you love today.

Take a minute to ponder this: if you knew you only had six months to live, what would you do? Who would you see? How would you spend your time? Those answers will reveal something profound: that you need to stop worrying about trivial, meaningless things and focus on doing the things you enjoy and spending time with the people you love right now.

Call someone close to you and tell them you love them.

Here’s one of the easiest ways to be happy right now: pick up the phone, call a friend or family member you care about, and tell them you love them. If your life or the life of someone close to you ended suddenly, what’s the last thing you wish you could say? I love you. Say those three words as often as possible. Don’t let meaningful thoughts and fears in your life get in the way of telling people how you feel about them. You have the power to change someone’s life (and your own) with your words.