2. They will appreciate your beauty.

Whether you have Rubenesque curves or the delicate features of Venus you will be their Mona Lisa. No matter your image they will find the beauty in your heart and cherish it. They could spend a whole night looking into your eyes.

3. They have the best idea for drinks.

The art student will know that a fine wine or absinthe has been the subject of many works of art over the centuries. They will not only have the ideas for your party, an art student will arrive with a creative attire. They always have the best clothing designs, or at least the most noticeable.

4. They are passionate and creative.

The art student loves to study the human form, what better form than yours? They can get very creative in bed. Expect them to beg you for you for it — demand you. They will be direct and loving, but don’t hurt them. The art student is passionate but has passion for outbursts. They know how to convey their feelings with less than gentle gestures.

5. They know how to take the best pictures with you.

Who better to take selfies with than an art student?  No one does France as well as they can. The Louvre can wait while you take them to cafes to enjoy Paris. A selfie in front of the Eiffel Tower at night is much better than your friend’s of them on a couch.


6. They are just as misunderstood as you.

No great artists are ever really appreciated in their own time. They know just how misunderstood you are. They are great listeners who are often introverted. An artist understands your emotions. To create art is such an emotional experience, so their emotional intelligence is high. They accept you. An artist knows what’s it’s like to be an outcast, or reclusive. They are welcoming and open. They won’t mind your weirdness if you don’t mind their’s. They may be covered in paint half the time but it’s okay, it washes off and don’t get too close to them while their painting or you may end up messy. Neither of you will be wearing clothes then.

7. They aren’t as dull as your Exs.

There is never a dull moment when you date an art student. They will teach you that life is art, and how you live it should be meaningful. Whether it’s their philosophy on life or the way they live so fast there’s never a dull moment when you are with them. You’re in for a wild adventure, but no one ever had so much fun while never leaving the shire.

8. They can paint you a picture, and then paint you a picture.

Artists are dreamers and doers, they might paint you a picture of their feelings and then tell you the most wondrous of their dreams. They put up grand installations and ones that are so small you can barley see them. The bigger picture, as well as the smaller one is not unfamiliar to them. All of us are artists in our own way. We all grow up coloring with crayons and painting acrylic paintings on loose sheets of paper. Only the freest spirits will become art students. To date one is an experience you won’t soon forget. Featured photo credit: Photo credit: Parker Knight (cropped and re-sized) via flickr.com

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