Here are nine thoughts successful people refuse to believe:

1. They Don’t Think That The Right Timing is Everything

Successful people like the timing to be right, just like everyone else- but they also know that the right timing is not everything. All that the right timing will provide is an edge – the work needs to get done and they don’t shy away from it. They take control of what they CAN do with what they have.

2. They Don’t Believe Slow and Steady Wins the Race

Successful people know that ‘slow and steady’ rarely wins the race because they know that there are other smart people out there who are ‘smart and fast’ and playing the same game. The concept of “slow and steady wins the race” was popularized by the famous Tortoise and the Hare story, in which the hare sleeps in the middle of the race, paving the way for the tortoise to win. The problem with this? Flawed logic. In the real world, if a race between the tortoise and the hare actually happened, there is a little chance that the hare would sleep in the middle of the race. Successful people pierce through such flawed logic before blindly believing something.

3. They Don’t Believe It’s a Sign of Weakness to Ask for Help

Successful people know what their strengths are and they also know where they need to receive help. The good part is that they are not afraid to seek out that good help that they need to make something meaningful happen.

4. They Don’t Believe That They Have to Be Right to Be Respected

Successful people have an opinion, but they don’t claim that their opinion is the only opinion that counts. Their self-esteem is high enough that they are the first to admit if they are wrong. In other words, they are “often wrong, never in doubt.” (Yes, that’s the title of a book by Donny Deutsch)

5. They Don’t Believe That Others Have to Reciprocate

Successful people can move the needle for a lot of people. Only a small percentage of them will reciprocate back in some way. The good news is that successful people are aware of this skewed ratio and are at peace with it.

6. They Don’t Believe That They Can Skip Reciprocation

While successful people don’t expect people to reciprocate, they are very clear and committed in their choice to reciprocate- in terms of things like time, energy, money, mind share or insights- with anyone and everyone who makes a meaningful contribution to their lives.

7. They Don’t Believe in Waiting to Get Lucky

Successful people don’t wait for luck to strike them in order to achieve a breakthrough. They believe in the old saying that “Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity”.

8. They Don’t Believe That Luck Does Not Exist

Successful people don’t dismiss luck either. When they do get a breakthrough because of a lucky strike, they acknowledge the effect of luck and do not give themselves undue credit for that accomplishment or breakthrough.

9. They Don’t Ever Believe That They Have Made It.

Successful people thrive on taking a meaningful journey. A milestone reached or an accomplishment they are proud of is all good, but, for them, these milestones and accomplishments are part of the journey and nothing more. In their mind, their life is in “permanent beta” (a term I first heard from Reid Hoffman, founder of LinkedIn). This worldview keeps them hungry to learn more. Featured photo credit: Ladybug by Yadav Thyagaraj via