Thankfully, there is a comic that perfectly sums up the emotions, thoughts and battles that people with depression and anxiety face on a daily basis. Nick Seluk, the man behind the Awkward Yeti comic series, heard from Sarah Flanigan, a reader of his who had been fighting depression since the age of 10 and was inspired by her story to create ‘The Battle’; a comic piece for his popular Medical Tales Retold series. The comic perfectly describes the sense of not being able to get out of bed in mornings and the fact that anxiety can steal all of someones’ energy and motivation without a second of notice. Take a look at the infographic below and see if it perfectly reflects you.

Featured photo credit: Tapastic via

A Comic That Accurately Shows How People With Depression And Anxiety Feel - 82A Comic That Accurately Shows How People With Depression And Anxiety Feel - 67A Comic That Accurately Shows How People With Depression And Anxiety Feel - 46