A proper tie can raise your formal wardrobe to new heights: it shows that you know how to choose and execute formal wear. On the other hand, an awkward, unbalanced tie can immediately give the wrong impression to people, showing that the wearer is messy and lacks coordination. You don’t want to be that guy. The infographic above could not have come at a better time. The use of ties has now become a staple in the modern man’s wardrobe. It’s not just for once-in-a-lifetime, formal events. These days, ties are worn for work, meetings, dates, dinner, and school. So before you pass off this essential accessory, think again. A well-worn tie could easily help you land a job that you have had your eye on and even land the woman of your dreams. Hence, learn the basics of the accessory now and don’t get left behind. Neck Tie Tips Visual Guide | Visual.ly

Are You Wearing The Right Tie  Probably Not  Here s How To Fix That  - 17