Brown-Bag It to Half a Million – [Hello, Dollar!] Let’s try putting that $1,000 into the stock market instead. Historically, the stock market has provided an average return of about 11%. You’ll want to make sure money in the stock market is invested for the long haul, since it does go up and down, and you don’t know when a down time might happen. But I have 40 years here, so I’m going to put my money in stocks and leave it there. What is that average return of 11% going to do to my $1,000 a year? My $20 a week? My measly little $5 a day, four days a week? Well, I now have a grand total of $581,826. Well over a half million dollars! And hopefully all the fiber I’ve eaten from those whole wheat sandwiches will keep me healthy enough to enjoy it!…